N. B Forrest Camp #3  Chattanooga, Tennessee

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This self-guided tour is the culmination of many hours of research and development by several members of the N.B. Forrest Camp #3, Sons of Confederate Veterans, several War Between the States reenactors, and others.  Several researchers and writers are listed within the stories.  It has been compiled here by a past Commander of the N.B. Forrest Camp #3, who has led many a tour using these notes.  There are more stories included here than he used to cover in the tour, because it took about an hour to recite the stories he chose.  You could cover the ground more quickly if you are a fast reader.

 The tour starts at the Shelter in the middle of the Cemetery.  If you look from there toward Third Street, you are looking North. If you look toward Fifth Street and UTC, you are looking South.  Begin with the
Cemetery History and then the short bit from Kate Cummings, Confederate Nurse.  

Then move northeast to the Alabama plaque where James Scott is listed as J.W. Scott.  James Barstow is listed as Jas. Baresto on the Arkansas Plaque on the northern end of the cemetery.  A little further west by the Union flag read about one of the two Union soldiers resting here.  Sergeant Edward J. Wentworth's stone has the name of E. J. Winbroot, which was found to be incorrect through research.

Then go to a point just east of the Shelter, where
S.J.A. Frazier is interred with his wife and daughter.   He has an amazing story.


Now head South through the veterans’ graves on the east side of the Cemetery, beginning with the elaborate stone for Lt. John T. Walker, then John C. Doyle J. C. Nisbet, Martin Monroe Fry, and Albion W. Palmer,  then walk to the Southeast corner where you will find the grave of  Shaderick Searcy.  

Then head west, along the front wall until you find Lawrence Thomson Dickinson.  Going North again on this western edge of the Cemetery, you will soon find James H. Latimer, and then Benjamin Lloyd Goulding, another amazing Man.  Further north, beside the base of a tree, rests J.J. Haney.  A little further north is Newton J. Collins, the Wright Smith Hackett and

finally Lt. James L. Price, the artillerist.

We hope you find yourself respectful of the lives you’ve read about, and of the times in which they lived, the most tumultuous in American history.  Our hope is that this hallowed ground will be maintained for generations to know the real history of those who rest here.

You too, could research a name and submit your script to the N. B. Forrest Camp #3 and have it added to the records.