N. B Forrest Camp #3  Chattanooga, Tennessee

Greetings Compatriots, 

As a student of history I see many things in the election that make me think of what our ancestors must have been thinking after the election of 1860. No matter the outcome we will face many challenges in the coming year.

But in 1861 Jefferson Davis saw fit to be thankful and proclaimed a day of prayer and thanksgiving and so let us also pray and give thanks for our blessings this year.

I’m thankful that even with the challenges of Covid that we still had most of our meetings. We’ve honored our ancestors in spite of protests. We’ve defended monuments. I’m thankful for our new members that have joined our camp this year. I know that you will all bring something to the fight as we honor our ancestors. There is really to much to list everything I’m thankful for.

Let me remind everyone of the Wreaths Across America. Also this Saturday is the 4th Annual SCV and OCR Thanksgiving Picnic at the Dunlap Coke Ovens. Billy and Katy Walker always host outstanding events and this one won’t disappoint.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

Deo Vindice 

Respectfully Yours,
James Skipper
Camp Commander

N. B. Forrest Camp No. 3, Chattanooga, TN
Sons of Confederate Veterans